LSO Discovery Showcase: Horizons

What does the future sound like?

Pre-concert activities from 6pm in the Barbican Foyers

A sunset

Use this digital guide to find out all about the pre-concert performances, and learn more about the music and performers.

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Please pick up a free programme before taking a seat in the Barbican Hall for tonight's concert. Ask one of the Barbican stewards, or collect a programme on the door as you enter the Hall.

Tonight's concert will start at 7.30pm. Please leave enough time to get to your seats in the Barbican Hall.

What's on and Where?

From 6pm
LSO Connect Installation

6.30pm & 6.55pm
Guildhall School/Orchestral Artistry Students: Fanfare

6.40pm & 7pm
LSO String Experience: Performance

The Barbican Libraries are located on Level 2 within the Barbican. They can be accessed from the main building via stairs or lifts from Level G.

Level -1
From 6pm

LSO Connect: Installation

An installation celebrating LSO Connect’s partnership over the last two years with Help on Your Doorstep and Claremont Project, producing a breadth of creative endeavours. From audio soundscapes, storytelling, songwriting and creative music making, to beautifully crafted instruments, artwork and poetry.

About LSO Connect

LSO Connect is a new programme of activity with, by and for older Islington residents (aged 55+) – offering opportunities for sharing stories and musical exploration in a positive and creative environment. Working in partnership with local organisations Help on Your Doorstep, St Luke’s Community Centre and Claremont Project, the groups engage with inspiring themes and test new ways of working.

We have involved artists from a range of artforms and backgrounds and invite participants themselves to become artists, musicians, dancers and all-round creatives, regardless of musical background. The local knowledge and experience of members is celebrated and shared, and participants have forged close connections, remarking on their increased sense of togetherness, belonging and improved wellbeing.

Help on Your Doorstep

Instruments of the Future

The Help On Your Doorstep attendees brainstormed futuristic instruments and sounds resulting in ideas featuring water, pebbles, trees and chimes. One instrument, The Globe, was collaboratively made in a workshop session led by artist/instrument designer Lia Mice. The Globe is performed by touching the intersecting lines that encircle the hand-painted spherical lantern. Try it yourself to explore samples and field recordings that were recorded by the Help On Your Doorstep attendees inspired by their instrument design ideas.

Sound Collage – Jack Miguel

During our first session with members of the Good Neighbours Scheme (who meet regularly at Jean Stokes Community Centre), the group were invited to bring music or special objects to the sessions. These were used as prompts to share their stories, and to inspire music making. Guided by participants and collaborating on their ideas and contributions, the group produced new pieces which were recorded alongside a series of interviews, and collaged together by artist Jack Miguel to document the project. The result of this is being shared in the foyers as an audio installation.

Brenda's work

The accompanying artworks and objects were made by one of the residents, Brenda, who has participated with the group on the project. She made them for each player and team member at home between sessions, presenting new pieces each week as a token of her thanks: 'I just wanted to give something back'.



Inspired by the question ‘what does the future sound like?’, the process for the Claremonteers began by writing postcards to a time beyond their own: sending the future their hopes and dreams, favourite sounds that they hoped would live on, and fears for what may lie ahead. The breadth and depth of these thoughts and wishes perfectly encapsulated the rich array of perspectives, experiences, and creativity of the group. From here, themes were gathered and the group discussed how best to translate these ideas into song and music. You will get the chance to hear the premiere of this piece – A Song For the Future - at tonight’s performance.

You are invited to take part in this process too, by writing your own postcard to the future and placing it amongst our own.


You can explore further reflections to the theme through visual art from Claremonteers Manuel and Karen, as well as a poetry from the piece A Song for The Future.

Here We Are – Film

Here We Are is the culmination of a six week-long project at the Claremont Project in Islington that took place spring 2023. Led by facilitator Rhia Parker and documentary film-maker Tim Travers-Hawkins, musicians from the LSO worked with 15 participants who responded to the theme of 'Sparks' by exploring how we capture moments in life that spark something in us through story-telling, personal narratives and memory. The sessions incorporated elements of music making, poetry writing, visual art and the sharing of stories. The emergence of themes such as the cyclical nature of life, and the knowledge that it’s never too late to keep making, doing and learning was fertile creative ground. 

Level G
6.30pm & 6.55pm

Guildhall School/Orchestral Artistry Students: Fanfare

Josh Rogan
A Flourish-ish Fanfare (2 mins)


Trumpets Sam Balchin, Parker Bruce

Orchestral Artistry is a professional specialism within the Guildhall School’s Artist Masters programme for exceptional instrumentalists seeking a career in orchestral playing. Delivered in close association with the London Symphony Orchestra’s family of musicians – orchestral members, conductors and guest soloists – the programme is highly distinctive and ground-breaking in scope, focusing on orchestral training and repertoire, education and outreach, and early career support.

A member of the LSO String Experience scheme reading sheet music with a mentor stood behind them

Barbican Music Library
Level 2
6.40pm & 7pm

LSO String Experience: Performance

Gioachino Rossini
Andante and Moderato from Sonata for Strings No 3 in C major (7 mins)
Joseph Haydn
Finale from String Quartet Op 76 No 5 in D major (4 mins)
Leroy Anderson
Jazz Pizzicato (2 mins)


Violin Victoria Lewis, Polina Makhina, Olwen Miles
Viola Vanessa Hristova, Hattie Quick
Cello Yunxiaotian Pan, Kosta Popovic
Double Bass Will Duerden

The LSO String Experience scheme enables young string players at the start of their professional careers to gain work experience by playing in rehearsals and concerts with the LSO.  Since 1992, the scheme has been building the next generation of professional orchestral musicians. Approximately 20 current members of the LSO are previous participants of the String Experience scheme.

We hope you enjoy the concert. We’d love to get your thoughts on it through our short survey.

Find us on X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.
